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Manual 00. Heroes of Might & Magic III: In the Wake of Gods

Heroes of Might & Magic III: In the Wake of Gods

As told in an ancient legend, the fertile ground of Erathia and all creatures occupying her was created by the Gods who grew tired of their immortality. Having conceived of this world, they did not interfere with the course of events and could not even foresee them, and so from this fickle world they received truly divine pleasure …
Another legend says completely the opposite. One fine day, Divine Will shall intrude into the world created by the gods and will disturb the measured life of everyone who occupies it …
But let us put aside old legends. We will think up our own. You are not the God. You are just a Hero of Erathia. And now, it is time for you to act …

-- The WoG Team

01-1) 8th Level Monsters

01-2) 8th Level Monsters

02-1) Other New Monsters

02-2) Other New Monsters

02-3) Other New Monsters

03) Gods’ Representatives

04) Commanders

05) Commanders' Skills

06) Town Demolition

07) Arrow Towers

08) Selectable Combat Attack Mode

09) New Specializations of Heroes

10) Blessings and Curses. Sphinx

11) Bonuses of Gods. Gods' Representatives

12) Leaving Your Army And Artifacts On The Map

13) Stack Experience

14) New Artifacts

15-1) Scripts

15-2) Scripts

15-3) Scripts

15-4) Scripts

16) New Creature Banks

17) Additional Objects

Категория: WOG | Добавил: natasha (06.05.2009)
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