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Manual 14. New Artifacts

New Artifacts

  1.   Magic Wand

       Description: Transforms artifacts which hero has.

Location of Wand:

These artifacts are changed:

Misc 1

Head and Neck

Misc 2

Left hand and Right hand

Misc 3

Left and Right ring

Misc 4

Torso and Legs

Misc 5

Shoulders and Misc 4

      1. Combination Artifacts and their parts are not transformed.

      2. If a slot is empty, a new artifact will not appear there.

      3. Artifacts that are forbidden from appearing on a map will not appear as a replacement artifact when a transformation occurs.


  2.   Gold Tower Arrow

       Description: Gives control of Arrow Towers to hero.

      In attack:

  • Towers won’t shoot

      In defense:

  • No Ballistics – Shoot twice
  • Basic Ballistics – Shoot 3 times
  • Advanced Ballistics – Shoot 4 times
  • Expert Ballistics – Shoot 5 times


  3.   Monster’s power

       Description: Casts Prayer on all monsters of one kind. Every week, a new random monster is selected from the hero’s army and Prayer will be cast on ALL monsters of this type that every hero has during that week.


  4.   Crimson Shield of Retribution

       Description: Held in the left hand, this artifact increases Defense skill by +2 and gives all creatures in a hero's ranks the ability to retaliate against creatures that cannot normally be retaliated against.


  5.   Dragonheart

       Description: This ancient relic summons up to [100 HP x Hero Level] dragons for the duration of a battle (minimum one dragon). Dragon type is random but may be influenced by terrain. In addition, dragons in a hero's army always have positive morale.

There's 10% chance that the dragon type will be completely random and 90% chance that the dragon type will be determined based on terrain from the tables listed below:

  • Grass, Holy Ground: 70% Green, 20% Gold, 10% Diamond
  • Dirt, Evil Fog and Cursed Ground: 45% Bone, 25% Ghost, 20% Blood, 10% Dracolich
  • Subterranean, Lava and Fiery Fields: 60% Red, 20% Black, 10% Darkness, 10% Rust
  • Swamp: 50% Gorynych, 35% Green, 15% Rust
  • Snow: 25% Bone, 20% Ghost, 20% Azure, 15% Crystal, %10 Diamond, 10% Blood
  • Water, Rough, Sand and Lucid Pools: 10% Green, 10% Red, 10% Black, 10% Gold, 10% Bone, 10% Ghost, 5% Darkness, 5% Diamond, 5% Blood, 5% Dracolich, 5% Crystal, 5% Faerie, 5% Rust, 5% Azure
  • Magic Cloud and Magic Plains: 100% Faerie
  • Rocklands: 100% Rust
  • Clover Fields: 30% Faerie, 25% Rust, 25% Crystal, 20% Azure

  6.   Gate Key

       Description: Upon entering a town you own, the Gate Key gives you the option to lock it for 5 days. Heroes can leave locked towns but no hero can enter except by Town Portal or Castle Gate, and the town cannot be attacked.
       The Gate Key will vanish when used and returns to the hero 10 days later. A town cannot be relocked by any Gate Key for 5 days after it becomes unlocked. If a player is vanquished, their locked towns will be unlocked for all players the following day.


  7.   Warlord's Banner

       Description: With stack experience enabled, the Warlord's Banner gives additional bonuses in combat. To equip it, drag it to the troop stack of your choice. Choose a bonus by right-clicking on the Banner in the stack's experience screen. You can change the bonus any time except in combat.

       Note: if you combine two stacks that each have a Warlord’s Banner, the resulting stack will have two banners, but it will still function the same as one, and will not give an additional bonus. A stack can carry a maximum of four banners at once. To pass an equipped banner back to the hero (so it can be given to a different stack), left-click on it in the stack experience screen.


  8.   Barbarian Lord's Axe of Ferocity   (new combination artifact)

       Description: This combination artifact consists of the Ogre's Club of Havoc, Targ of the Rampaging Ogre, Tunic of the Cyclops King, and Crown of the Supreme Magi. In addition to the regular bonuses, it grants an additional strike each round to all non-shooting creatures in a hero's army.


  9.   Axe of Smashing   (commander artifact)

       Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +5 Attack plus +1 Attack after every 6 victorious battles.


  10.   Dragon Eye Ring   (commander artifact)

       Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +5 Defense plus +1 Defense after every 6 victorious battles.


  11.   Mithril Mail   (commander artifact)

       Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +12% Health plus +1% Health after every victorious battle.


  12.   Sword of Sharpness   (commander artifact)

       Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +12% Damage plus +1% Damage after every victorious battle.


  13.   Pendant of Sorcery   (commander artifact)

       Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +1 Magic Power plus +1 Magic Power after every 10 victorious battles


  14.   Boots of Haste   (commander artifact)

       Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +1 Speed plus +1 Speed after every 10 victorious battles


  15.   Helm of Immortality   (commander artifact)

       Revives a slain Commander immediately after battle (artifact incremental bonuses are not lost).


  16.   Bow of Seeking   (commander artifact)

       Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives "No Obstacle Penalty" plus "No Long-Range Penalty" after 25 victorious battles.


  17.   Dragon Eye Ring   (commander artifact)

       Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives Commander Breath Attack (two squares) and Dragon nature (gets bonuses as Dragons).


  18.   Slava's Ring of Power   (commander artifact)

       Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives Commander all six Primary Skills at Advanced level.



    Blank Artifacts:

       WoG now also includes 10 new 'blank' artifacts that have no hard-coded usage or description but can be scripted through ERM. They are there for you - to finally make an artifact you always wanted to have :). You will find them in the 'artifacts' section of the editor after 'Pandora's Box'.


Категория: WOG | Добавил: natasha (06.05.2009)
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