Gamespot weighs in on Katauri Interactive's strategy/rpg hybrid, King's Bounty:The Legend, giving it a mostly positive score of 8/10:
The only real difference between King's Bounty and Heroes of Might
and Magic or Disciples is a greater emphasis on role-playing. Story is
brought to the fore here in a much more overt way, thanks to a
sarcastic sense of humor and a ton of quests to be solved. True, most
of these quests have been scooped out of the big bag of RPG cliches
(find stolen property, remove a curse, kill the big bad whatever that's
plaguing our village, and so on). But many come with multiple parts
that force you to venture all over the map to solve them, along with a
great deal of personality conveyed through idiosyncratic characters and
a lot of text. You can't just skip around like you're filling in
blanks; do so and you're liable to get caught not paying attention...So
even though these various tasks might not break any new ground,
completing them is more involving than the map-clearing busywork that
dominates the usual tactical RPG.