Author: Tow @ Yesterday 23:40
because we found too many bugs in the 0.63, we decided to make one more
release in 0.6x series. A lot of bugfixes has been done. We've also
added several new features that should make testing nicer
Download link: http://vcmi.antypika.aplu...n=download&id=9
Extract the package into your main Heroes folder.
WoG 3.58f is required. We strongly recommend using English version.
If you have older version of VCMI, you have to overwrite it.
Thanks for Zamolxis, Steven Aus, Tarnoob, krystian1995 and everyone else who helped us with testing and improving VCMI.
For the general information about our project look here.
Our project isn't really playable now, but it gives you an idea of
progress we have made so far. We're hoping that you'll like it. Please
report all the problems in the appropriate board. We hope you'll help us develop the project - details are available here.
0.63 -> 0.64 (Nov 01 2008)
* sprites from /Sprites folder are handled correctly
* several fixes for pathfinder and path arrows
* better handling disposed/predefined heroes
* heroes regain 1 mana point each turn
* support for mistycisim and intelligence skills
* hero hiring possible
* added support for a number of hotkeys
* it's not possible anymore to leave hero level-up window without selecting secondary skill
* many minor improvements
* Added some kind of simple chatting functionality through console. Implemented several WoG cheats equivalents:
a) woggaladriel -> vcmiainur
b) wogoliphaunt -> vcminoldor
c) wogshadowfax -> vcminahar
d) wogeyeofsauron -> vcmieagles
e) wogisengard -> vcmiformenos
f) wogsaruman -> vcmiistari
g) wogpathofthedead -> vcmiangband
h) woggandalfwhite -> vcmiglorfindel
* clicking on a tile in advmap view when a path is shown will not only hide it but also calculate a new one
* slowed map scrolling
* blocked scrolling adventure map with mouse when left ctrl is pressed
* blocked map scrolling when dialog window is opened
* scholar will be accessible from the top
* partially done tavern window (only hero hiring functionality)
* water elemental will really be treated as 2 hex creature
* potential infinite loop in reverseCreature removed
* better handling of battle cursor
* fixed blocked shooter behavior
* it's possible in battles to check remeaining HP of neutral stacks
* partial support for Magic Arrow spell
* fixed bug with dying unit
* stack queue hotkey is now 'Q'
* added shots limit
Full changelog is available here.