Caesars Finals, & Our New MVP [07/08/08] $1000 in Cash Prizes to be Handed Out, Congrats to Our Most Valuable Player Congratulations to Vex, who is one of our greatest ToH Veterans, playing in the tournament for over 8 years now. He wins one of the most coveted awards, the Most Valuable Player. What does it mean? He has been an example of one of the most honorable players in ToH, and a heroes addict too. He also wins a $250 cash prize. He now is the highest ranking player in the Hall of Fame. The Caesar finals now begin, with the Emperors battling it out for supremacy as the 'best player in ToH'. Randomly matched up, eventually one player will hold the Caesar title. $500 cash prize is also awarded. Seasons' End will Be August 31st, where the Top Ranked player will also win the Grandmaster medal, along with a $250 cash prize
Американский сайт подвел итоги турниров по 3 героям Caesars Finals, & Our New MVP
По итогам турниров лидером рейтинга стал VEX aka Vladimir Khoholev